Paris: Fauchon

Fauchon macaroons
On our second day in Paris we rode the Métro to Place de Madeleine to eat at a restaurant recommended by my cousin who was just in Paris a week before us. We went there early to walk around the area. To my delight there were 3 shops within minutes of each other that were a foodie’s paradise.

The first store we went in the world famous Fauchon, a purveyor of French gourmet food.
Fauchon, Paris

Fauchon, Paris-003

If we weren’t about to eat lunch I would have bought a pastry or two. These two below were my top picks.
Fauchon, Paris-002

If you’re planning to have a picnic in Paris everything you would need is available in this store.
Fauchon, Paris-006

They had ready to eat meals and salads.
Fauchon, Paris-004

This salad made with haricot verts (French green beans), mozzarella, almonds and raspberries are a very unusual combination that I would like to try to make.
Fauchon, Paris-005
salade de haricots verts aux framboises

Fauchon, Paris-007

My favorite display was all these varieties of foie gras.
Fauchon, Paris-008

Fauchon, Paris-009

Fauchon, Paris-010

Their cheese selections made me drool too.
Fauchon, Paris-011

Fauchon, Paris-012

Fauchon, Paris-013

Fauchon, Paris-014

I turned away when I saw all the bread. That would have been too hard to resist for me. Bread, cheese and foie gras is the perfect picnic fare for me.
Fauchon, Paris-015

Fauchon, Paris-016

26 Place de la Madeleine 75008 Paris, France
telephone: 01 70 39 38 00

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